Thursday 7 July 2011

Azcari Adventure Centre Sponsor Craig Bounds.

If you missed the title in big and bold letters above, I'll spare you the trouble of having to find it and just tell you that we at the Azcari Adventure Centre will be sponsoring Craig Bounds' new rally bike.

The bike in question is of course the Husqvarna TE630. I road it once and nearly cancelled my oxygen subscription, but I'm sure in the capable hands of Craig Bounds (he's competed in 3 Dakar's!) it will more than deliver. The fact that he's chosen the TE630 speaks volumes for the bike. This could potentially put it on the map.

They don't get much newer that this really. Fresh off the truck. 
With caution, the Azcari team let the beast out its cage. Thankfully the tranquilizers were still working.
The team worked quickly to get the Husky up onto the bench.
Nothing like a bit team to work to make a plan come together.

I'm looking forward to heading off to a few of the up coming rallies with my camera and getting some excellent shots. I've drawn the short straw with the last few events and had to stay behind and man the fort. NOT ANYMORE! It my turn to have some fun do some field work. We can get some nice posters for the shop too.

Of course we'll be following Craig's progress closely and keeping everyone updated via the blog. So make sure you keep popping in to see what's new. I'll be updating and spreading word via the Facebook page too.

Craig's first race is the Rydale Rally in Yorkshire this weekend. You can check out some info  > here <.

We wish him and all the best and hope does well. Will be good to get some feedback on the bike and hear how it performed. 

You should also check out what Craig and Tamsin get up to when they're not doing the Dakar. find out more about the Black Desert Training School in Wales. I should probably get myself up there for some training and trail riding.

Anyway, I better get back to the boring stuff now.

Until next time...

And finally, it was time to say goodbye...

Monday 20 June 2011

The Pyreknees Up 2011 or There and Back, a Blogger's Tale.

Although technically speaking, I didn't actually go anywhere.

Greetings from not so sunny Dorking.

For those of you following the Azcari Adventure Centre via Facebook, you'd know that the boss was recently in Spain taking part in the Pyrkneesup. I'd like to say that I was able to tag along and get some awesome photos and video footage for the blog but it was not to be. Someone had to stay behind and work.

I was that someone.

Don't feel too sorry for me though, I've got my summer holiday coming up in a few weeks.  Oh yes! Going to be class.

Not here to talk about my summer holiday though. My task for today is to upload a few photos from the event. If you're doing the Horizons Unlimited Mountain Madness aka HUMM this year, then this is taster of what's in store.


If you want to see more then check out the gallery of our facebook page.

Monday 6 June 2011

Azcari Motorbike Service Centre and other stuff.

So I just had a look at the last entry on the blog...the 15th of May? That's pretty bad. In my defence I've been REALLY busy (working or riding bikes?). I'll have to get my game face back on and keep this blog as fresh as possible.

Hang on a second...

OK, just found my game face. Was in a box upstairs. Knew I'd left it somewhere. Maybe I should glue it on.

Hang on a second...

Yeah, not sure that was the smartest thing I've ever done but there you go. It's either a stroke of genius or a touch of madness. Is there much of a difference?

Things in the Azcari workshop have been ticking along nicely and I couldn't help but notice the eclectic collection of bikes we've had passing through lately. I'm just trying to think back. I think the fist batch were the AJPs from the EMP Enduro gang. What else have we had, a little Husky Boy 50cc, a few Vespa's, a Suzuki SV650, which looks like it could be fun to ride. I've not really had much experience with road bikes. Only when I did my CBT. It's something I'll have to remedy very soon.

It will make commuting from London a lot easier for one thing. No more trains and buses. The boss has also offered me the use of his BMW 650 Dakar. How can I turn down an offer like that? I can't. Another reason is the impending holiday to Crete. 2 weeks in the sun! It's a hard life I tell you. There looks to be some decent riding on the island and quite a few places offering bike hire.

I'd have to say the word dominating my thought pattern right now is awesome.

No more gloating. Oh wait, did I mention my Klim Dakar riding pants came in the post? No? OK, well best not to then. I know...but I don't own a bike and I've only just started hooking up some gear. So every new addition to my arsenal deserves a mention. I'll do my best not to though. I do actually want people to read this blog.

Back to the bikes. At this very moment we have two, no 3, beast bikes in the workshop. One is a Harley Davidson something something. A monster if ever there was one. Think I've torn, ruptured and slipped a few things getting it in and out of the shop. Still, it looks a mighty machine. And the noise is mind blasting. One to tick off the list no doubt. I'll try get a few shots tomorrow when all the bikes are out front.

Speaking of bikes out front, remind me to tell you a story later.

The other bike newly arrived is a Honda Africa Twin. A bike that has lived up to its name. How you ask.
Well by traveling through Africa of course. London to Cape Town. EPIC! I think for me, that would be the ultimate mission. Hit up the book and check out some of the photos. Epicosity! That's pretty epic. We've also just had a bike (Yamaha WR250) serviced that's heading off to Spain for the Pyreknees up. Lucky fish. The boss is attending again this year. All for work of course and he's promised not to have any fun. I plan to hold him to that. I'm sure you'll hear all about in the next few weeks.

We've got an ex Simon Pavey off road school BMW looking well battered but I've been informed it's purely cosmetic, which is just as well. I took the 125 demo husky up to the jumps at Headley last week and it came back in pretty much the same condition. And that was after my mouthful of petrol. I recommend you try at least once in your life. Once I'd regained the ability to breathe the buzz was actually pretty good. Still, burping petrol fumes all day and crashing into just about everything I could was an excellent way to spend the day. I quote my good friend Albert - "If you're not crashing, you're not learning". True story.

Well, I've rambled on for long enough. It's been fun being back on the blog. A virtual soap box. My game face is glued on so I wont tell the ball drop on this again. I still owe you that story and I didn't even give the KTM its moment in the spotlight but tomorrow is another day and right now my stomach is asking a question that needs answering.

Until next time.

Sunday 15 May 2011

Adventure Travel Film Festival - June 2011

Hey all,

Just a reminder that the Adventure Travel Film Festival is fast approaching. If you haven't already got your ticket then I suggest you get on it double time and buy a ticket.

We've got ours so you should have no excuse. It promises to be an excellent few days.

Just look at the amazing films being shown. I'm pretty keen to see First Overland, shot in 1955.

Looks epic!

What else can I do to convince you?

Head over to the site and check it out some more. You can see more the trailers if you click on the video above.

See you down there!

Thursday 12 May 2011

Ride out video.

So I attempted to make a video a while back of our ride out during the royal wedding.
Not the greatest but it was the first go and I think it did pretty well to capture the day.

Was a bit reluctant to share this but you have to start somewhere.I'll admit the music is pretty dodgy but it turns out Youtube have it under lock down when trying to use the music of your choice.  Needless to say the free music is pretty poor.

Having said that, spending the day riding bikes and having fun was a small price to pay for the frustration of trying to make a decent clip. I've learned a lot so I plan to get better withe every video I make. Have loads more ideas for the next one.

Have a look for yourself though, I'll let you be the judge.

Until next time...

Wednesday 4 May 2011

Our new demo bike - the Husqvarna TE 125 2011.

We have a new member joining the Azcari family this week and I for one am ecstatic.

The newest demo bike is the Husqvarna TE125 2011. And because I have my CBT I'll actually be able to ride it. Excellent! It could also be the perfect bike for the guided trail riding/training we plan to offer. I think there's going to be a royal rumble to see who gets to ride it first. If I'm the poor sod sent to the DVLA then I think it's only fair I get the first ride. We'll see though.

If you want to test ride it yourself then please come on down. I'll let you know when it actually gets here. This is a perfect learner legal motorbike and a good way to get your feet wet in the world of off-road and trail riding.

Check out the specs below.

Below you can view the full technical specification for the machine

Make                         Husqvarna
Model                        TE125 2011
Colour                        Red/White
Capacity                    124.45cc
Engine                        Four Stroke
Engine Type                Liquid cooled 4V single cylinder
Front Forks                 40mm Paioli USD
Brakes                        Brembo
Front Brake                 260mm disc
Rear Brake                  220mm disc
Equipment                   Digital dash
Bore x Stroke              52mm x 58.6mm
Transmission               6 speed constant mesh
Clutch                         Multi plate, cable operation
Starting                       Electric
Fuelling                       Keihin 29 Carburettor
Fuel Tank Capacity       9.5L
Rear Suspension         Sachs monoshock
Front Wheel Travel       260mm
Rear Wheel Travel        290mm
Warranty                     2 Years

Stay posted for out full review coming soon. And wish me luck, I might be the guy in the photos instead of the one taking them.

Until next time . . .

Tuesday 3 May 2011

Guided Trail Ride with Azcari Adventure Centre

Unless you live under a rock, under an even bigger rock, then you will know that last Friday was the royal wedding. While millions around the world tuned in there were a brave few who dared to defy the masses and instead went trail riding. Gentlemen (and lady) I salute you!

It was an early start for this blogger as I made my way down to Dorking from the big smog. Coffee and a bacon roll helped but not much, the book did it's best to put me back to sleep and it was only hopping on the back of the husky TE630 and then nearly falling off that really did the job. Nothing like a bit of adrenaline and the fear off death to stir you from your slumber.

Vast amounts of tea, coffee and muffins were consumed as we waited for everyone to arrive. I did my best eat them all but having to shoot video and photos kept me pretty occupied. I did shoot quite a few interior shots though. Anyway . . . once the motley crew was assembled the boss gave a quick briefing about the ride out and the plans for the day.

While everyone was kitting up Nick and I made last minute checks on our set up. We'd been given the job of capturing the day via photo and video. With everything strapped down and accounted for we set off. It didn't take long for me to have flashbacks of the day's earlier ride from the station we were both pretty sure that at some stage we were going crash. Luckily that never happened and it even got to the point where we were enjoying the ride. I've got some footage on video but still have to master the editing software. It's coming though,

After a few false alarms (push bikes, farmers and walkers) the guys finally hit the trail and we responded with a flurry of photos and video.  A mouthful of dust later and we were off to the next trail.

I learned a few things on the back of the bike during the course of the day. One was how fond bugs were of flying up my nose. Pretty fond if I'm honest. I got nailed a few times. It's not as fun as it sounds, believe me. Another was that when you accept that you might not make it back alive you should relax and try enjoy what time you have left. I have to say Surrey really is a beautiful county. As the sun woke up and decided to join the party it made it that much better. A touch of class.

Another trail and even more dust - thanks for that Vincent - and we headed for the river crossing in Watermill Lane. Everybody made it across much to my disappointment. I know you shouldn't laugh at others but it would have been a little bit funny. I also had the video camera set up and it would have made for some excellent footage. Instead I'm forced to say job well done, especially to the guys who'd never done off-roading before and on some monster bikes no less. If it makes you feel any better my first trail ride resulted in a tasty crash. So feel free to point and laugh as much as you like.

After that we headed off to Shere for lunch. A tasty burger and coke where prehaps not what the doctor would have ordered but I certainly did. A well deserved treat after all the bugs and dust. Needless to say it vanish rather quickly. A pub worth checking out if you're ever in the area.

Once we'd had our fill we hit the road and went in search of more trails. By now the sun was blazing, the wedding was over and we were all in good spirits.

And like all good things it had to eventually come to an end. I don't think anyone was too unhappy about it as the day - in my humble opinion - had been a massive success. All the feedback we got was really positive and hope we see a lot of the guys back for more trail riding.

For those of you who have to to experience the awesomeness of it, I can tell you that is very addictive. So much so that after everyone had said their goodbyes and headed off into the sunset, the 4 of us went back out and hit the trails again. I even got to ride a bike myself!

Muuuuuch better than sitting on the back of a bike. Oh yes! I really like the fact that when you're out there on your bike, that's all you think about. Your head gets freed from all the clutter. It's actually quite calming in a way. You come back form a ride feeling really relaxed. I know one of the main reasons for me getting my license was so that I could at least have something in common with customers when they came into the shop and started talking all things motorbikes, but let it be know that I'm hooked. There's no turning back for me now. Direct access and then trans Africa awaits.

A massive thanks to everyone who came along for the ride out, including the guys from Vines Motorrad. It was the first of many and I hope you enjoyed it. You're apart of Azcari history now. You can say you were the first. I can guarantee you though, you won't be the last. Onwards and upwards.

If you're reading this and weren't amongst the lucky few who went riding, and find yourself getting curiouser and curiouser then give us a shout on 01306 882772, or just come in for a coffee and a chat.

facebook page.

Thanks again guys.

Until next time. . .