Monday 20 June 2011

The Pyreknees Up 2011 or There and Back, a Blogger's Tale.

Although technically speaking, I didn't actually go anywhere.

Greetings from not so sunny Dorking.

For those of you following the Azcari Adventure Centre via Facebook, you'd know that the boss was recently in Spain taking part in the Pyrkneesup. I'd like to say that I was able to tag along and get some awesome photos and video footage for the blog but it was not to be. Someone had to stay behind and work.

I was that someone.

Don't feel too sorry for me though, I've got my summer holiday coming up in a few weeks.  Oh yes! Going to be class.

Not here to talk about my summer holiday though. My task for today is to upload a few photos from the event. If you're doing the Horizons Unlimited Mountain Madness aka HUMM this year, then this is taster of what's in store.


If you want to see more then check out the gallery of our facebook page.

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