Friday 25 February 2011

BMW Vines Help for Heroes Charity Event - Feb 11

So it's a new year(although were already knocking on March's door) and and a new blog...and what better way to kick things off than with last night's excellent event at BMW Vines in Guilford. If raising money for a good cause like Help for Heroes wasn't a good enough reason to get out, the Q & A with Charley Boorman was a deal clincher. Ross Noble's auction antics were the icing on the cake.

Before you think what a charmed life Azcari leads, let me remind you that we were there for work and I've got the photographic evidence to prove it. And if you haven't already heard, Azcari are finally setting up shop, again, but this time it's the real deal. The Azcari Adventure Centre opens in March, in Dorking, Surrey. Another reason we were at the event. A bit of shameless self promotion never hurt. And as we've now become a stockist of Touratech it was a good chance for a show of solidarity.


Here is the gang hard at work. I told you I had proof! Nick Plumb (right) from Touratech hooked us up with a BMW F800 GS for the display. Needless to say it turned more than a few heads.

These two R 1200 GS BMW motorbikes got a fair amount of attention too. These are the bikes Charley Boorman used for the Long Way Round & Long Way Down motorbike adventures. They were most impressive beasts I might add. That would be an amazing way to arrive back home in Cape Town. Watch this space...*insert dream sequence here*.

OK, head out of the clouds and back to the business of blogging.

While the place was filling up and we all waited for things to kick off, we were lucky enough to fill our bellies with a most excellent curry provided by the London regiment of the Royal Fusiliers.

As good as the hot curry and Hogs Back beer was, the crowd were eagerly awaiting the arrival of Charley. Thankfully a full scale riot was averted and the masses appeased as the man in question arrived on stage.

As the chants of CHARLEY! CHARLEY! CHARLEY! died down, we all took to our seats and listened to the interesting, inspirational and hilarious stories Charley had to share with us. The talk covered everything from his time in Afghanistan to Long Way Round, Long way Down, Race to Dakar and By Any Means.

While some purists might have a go at these guys for the support crews they've had a along with them on their adventures you can't knock them for doing them. If anything, I'm envious of what these guys were able to do. I dream about doing stuff like this, and I still haven't even got my CBT. Something I'll have to remedy very soon if I'm going to be working at the adventure centre. I should at least be able to ride a bike, if not know then inside and out.

The Race to Dakar isn't exactly green laning through the Surrey country side. As we were made painfully aware by the story of Charley breaking both hands and having to pull out on day 5 of 15. I was lucky enough to get a copy of Race to Dakar and plan to get stuck into it soon. So yeah, hats off to anyone who undertakes adventures like these, supported or otherwise.

A few clips from the Long Way Down. The one with the balls in Mongolia was pretty funny. Not sure I could have even got one close to my mouth, let alone eat it. Excuse me for a moment...

Much better.

After the talk was over, a second treat was in store. An auction of some amazing items from a Satmap Active 10 Plus, donated by yours truly, haircuts at a top London salon to a hostile environment awareness course. All the money raised was for Help the Heroes so everyone was encouraged to go big, and thankfully they did not disappoint. Helping out with proceedings was comedian and fellow bike lover and adventurer Ross Noble.

While I was able to hide behind my camera, the guy next me had no such luck. As such, he was ripped to pieces, much to the amusement of the crowd. With limited time the auction got under way. Taking top billing was our Satmap GPS unit and the bidding was fierce.


Ross himself was really keen on the item and while others were also bidding he was in the end victorious with a most impressive bit of about £550.00. A most generous gesture in the name of  good cause. Lets hope the unit does not disappoint. I'll see if I can get in touch with him at some point and find out how the unit is working for him.

Ross realises his bid on the Satmap is the winner and jokingly tries to do a runner off stage.

The other items were all an equal success and I think the hostile environment awareness course took the highest bid of about £800.00. Despite no takers on a flick of Charley Boorman's silicone ball, a very healthy amount of money was still raised. Well done all! 

Charley Boorman signing books at the end of the evening. The queue was a long one but he was patient and had the time to chat, laugh and pose for photos with everyone. And to the right of your screen, a very happy Ross noble with his Satmap GPS, also signing books. He was also very generous with his time and I was pleasantly surprised at how down to earth both these guys were.

All in all the event was a massive success and I hope there are many more in the future. A big thanks to all of you who came otu and supported  such a worthy cause and to Vines BMW for letting us show our support and also help spread the word of the Azcari Adventure Centre.

Until next time...

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