Monday 6 June 2011

Azcari Motorbike Service Centre and other stuff.

So I just had a look at the last entry on the blog...the 15th of May? That's pretty bad. In my defence I've been REALLY busy (working or riding bikes?). I'll have to get my game face back on and keep this blog as fresh as possible.

Hang on a second...

OK, just found my game face. Was in a box upstairs. Knew I'd left it somewhere. Maybe I should glue it on.

Hang on a second...

Yeah, not sure that was the smartest thing I've ever done but there you go. It's either a stroke of genius or a touch of madness. Is there much of a difference?

Things in the Azcari workshop have been ticking along nicely and I couldn't help but notice the eclectic collection of bikes we've had passing through lately. I'm just trying to think back. I think the fist batch were the AJPs from the EMP Enduro gang. What else have we had, a little Husky Boy 50cc, a few Vespa's, a Suzuki SV650, which looks like it could be fun to ride. I've not really had much experience with road bikes. Only when I did my CBT. It's something I'll have to remedy very soon.

It will make commuting from London a lot easier for one thing. No more trains and buses. The boss has also offered me the use of his BMW 650 Dakar. How can I turn down an offer like that? I can't. Another reason is the impending holiday to Crete. 2 weeks in the sun! It's a hard life I tell you. There looks to be some decent riding on the island and quite a few places offering bike hire.

I'd have to say the word dominating my thought pattern right now is awesome.

No more gloating. Oh wait, did I mention my Klim Dakar riding pants came in the post? No? OK, well best not to then. I know...but I don't own a bike and I've only just started hooking up some gear. So every new addition to my arsenal deserves a mention. I'll do my best not to though. I do actually want people to read this blog.

Back to the bikes. At this very moment we have two, no 3, beast bikes in the workshop. One is a Harley Davidson something something. A monster if ever there was one. Think I've torn, ruptured and slipped a few things getting it in and out of the shop. Still, it looks a mighty machine. And the noise is mind blasting. One to tick off the list no doubt. I'll try get a few shots tomorrow when all the bikes are out front.

Speaking of bikes out front, remind me to tell you a story later.

The other bike newly arrived is a Honda Africa Twin. A bike that has lived up to its name. How you ask.
Well by traveling through Africa of course. London to Cape Town. EPIC! I think for me, that would be the ultimate mission. Hit up the book and check out some of the photos. Epicosity! That's pretty epic. We've also just had a bike (Yamaha WR250) serviced that's heading off to Spain for the Pyreknees up. Lucky fish. The boss is attending again this year. All for work of course and he's promised not to have any fun. I plan to hold him to that. I'm sure you'll hear all about in the next few weeks.

We've got an ex Simon Pavey off road school BMW looking well battered but I've been informed it's purely cosmetic, which is just as well. I took the 125 demo husky up to the jumps at Headley last week and it came back in pretty much the same condition. And that was after my mouthful of petrol. I recommend you try at least once in your life. Once I'd regained the ability to breathe the buzz was actually pretty good. Still, burping petrol fumes all day and crashing into just about everything I could was an excellent way to spend the day. I quote my good friend Albert - "If you're not crashing, you're not learning". True story.

Well, I've rambled on for long enough. It's been fun being back on the blog. A virtual soap box. My game face is glued on so I wont tell the ball drop on this again. I still owe you that story and I didn't even give the KTM its moment in the spotlight but tomorrow is another day and right now my stomach is asking a question that needs answering.

Until next time.

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