Tuesday 3 May 2011

Guided Trail Ride with Azcari Adventure Centre

Unless you live under a rock, under an even bigger rock, then you will know that last Friday was the royal wedding. While millions around the world tuned in there were a brave few who dared to defy the masses and instead went trail riding. Gentlemen (and lady) I salute you!

It was an early start for this blogger as I made my way down to Dorking from the big smog. Coffee and a bacon roll helped but not much, the book did it's best to put me back to sleep and it was only hopping on the back of the husky TE630 and then nearly falling off that really did the job. Nothing like a bit of adrenaline and the fear off death to stir you from your slumber.

Vast amounts of tea, coffee and muffins were consumed as we waited for everyone to arrive. I did my best eat them all but having to shoot video and photos kept me pretty occupied. I did shoot quite a few interior shots though. Anyway . . . once the motley crew was assembled the boss gave a quick briefing about the ride out and the plans for the day.

While everyone was kitting up Nick and I made last minute checks on our set up. We'd been given the job of capturing the day via photo and video. With everything strapped down and accounted for we set off. It didn't take long for me to have flashbacks of the day's earlier ride from the station we were both pretty sure that at some stage we were going crash. Luckily that never happened and it even got to the point where we were enjoying the ride. I've got some footage on video but still have to master the editing software. It's coming though,

After a few false alarms (push bikes, farmers and walkers) the guys finally hit the trail and we responded with a flurry of photos and video.  A mouthful of dust later and we were off to the next trail.

I learned a few things on the back of the bike during the course of the day. One was how fond bugs were of flying up my nose. Pretty fond if I'm honest. I got nailed a few times. It's not as fun as it sounds, believe me. Another was that when you accept that you might not make it back alive you should relax and try enjoy what time you have left. I have to say Surrey really is a beautiful county. As the sun woke up and decided to join the party it made it that much better. A touch of class.

Another trail and even more dust - thanks for that Vincent - and we headed for the river crossing in Watermill Lane. Everybody made it across much to my disappointment. I know you shouldn't laugh at others but it would have been a little bit funny. I also had the video camera set up and it would have made for some excellent footage. Instead I'm forced to say job well done, especially to the guys who'd never done off-roading before and on some monster bikes no less. If it makes you feel any better my first trail ride resulted in a tasty crash. So feel free to point and laugh as much as you like.

After that we headed off to Shere for lunch. A tasty burger and coke where prehaps not what the doctor would have ordered but I certainly did. A well deserved treat after all the bugs and dust. Needless to say it vanish rather quickly. A pub worth checking out if you're ever in the area.

Once we'd had our fill we hit the road and went in search of more trails. By now the sun was blazing, the wedding was over and we were all in good spirits.

And like all good things it had to eventually come to an end. I don't think anyone was too unhappy about it as the day - in my humble opinion - had been a massive success. All the feedback we got was really positive and hope we see a lot of the guys back for more trail riding.

For those of you who have to to experience the awesomeness of it, I can tell you that is very addictive. So much so that after everyone had said their goodbyes and headed off into the sunset, the 4 of us went back out and hit the trails again. I even got to ride a bike myself!

Muuuuuch better than sitting on the back of a bike. Oh yes! I really like the fact that when you're out there on your bike, that's all you think about. Your head gets freed from all the clutter. It's actually quite calming in a way. You come back form a ride feeling really relaxed. I know one of the main reasons for me getting my license was so that I could at least have something in common with customers when they came into the shop and started talking all things motorbikes, but let it be know that I'm hooked. There's no turning back for me now. Direct access and then trans Africa awaits.

A massive thanks to everyone who came along for the ride out, including the guys from Vines Motorrad. It was the first of many and I hope you enjoyed it. You're apart of Azcari history now. You can say you were the first. I can guarantee you though, you won't be the last. Onwards and upwards.

If you're reading this and weren't amongst the lucky few who went riding, and find yourself getting curiouser and curiouser then give us a shout on 01306 882772, or just come in for a coffee and a chat.

facebook page.

Thanks again guys.

Until next time. . .

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