Monday 25 April 2011

Royal Wedding Ride Out - Friday 29th April 2011

So Friday sees the arrival of the royal wedding, and while most of  the nation will be glued to the telly watching, we most certainly will not. We're having our first big trail bike ride around the Surrey hills.  A few of the BMW Vines Guilford crew will be joining us and they've sent word out to some of their customers as well. So it promises to be a good day. If I'm lucky I'll be able to tag along with the cameras and get some images and footage of the day. Would make for some excellent blog content.

If you're keen for a bit of fun and want to get your GS, KTM, Honda, Yamaha or Triumph nice and dirty then feel free to join us. We'll be leaving from the Azcari Adventure Centre at 10:00 so get there early and have a coffee on us.

And as I'm writing this the big boss man has returned. He's been out "working" and plotting the route for Friday's ride. Looks like it's going to be a good one. I've just been informed that the route will be a pretty easy one don't worry too much about getting your big bike stuck in a rut or the fact that you're using road tyres.

Enjoy the short week for those of you unlucky enough to be working and we'll see you on Friday.

Until next time...

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