Monday 4 April 2011

Sun is shining . . . weather is sweet.

In honour of this glorious Monday, I think it best we kick things off with a classic...

 Aaah, nothing like a bit of Bob to start the day and distract from the fact that the weekend is over and another Monday is upon us. I hope the gods smile kindly on me and let this weather last till at least lunch time so I can catch a few rays for myself. Chicken soup for the soul. Growing up in Africa, you tend to take this kind of weather for granted. Not anymore!

So a good morning to you all.

Just wanted to touch base and remind you all of the big day coming up this Saturday. For those of you who have no idea what I'm talking about, don't worry, I'm about to remind you. The Azcari Adventure Centre has its official opening! It promises to be an excellent day, so I hope you're going to make an appearance. Things will kick off at about 9-10am and last throughout the day. I'll be there doing a little bit of everything but most of the time I'll be hiding behind the camera capturing the happenings of the day.

It's been a hard slog getting here but we've made it. Seemed like the day would never come and now it's just around the corner. Hard work pays off I guess. It's pretty exciting to be honest, but then adventures always are.

Bog entry - tick.

Now just a few hundred more and I should be sorted. Oh wait, I've just added another tick to the list.

Book CBT - tick. Oh yeah! Thursday is the big day. Super stoked! Now I get to crash all the demo huskys and give the boss sleepless nights. Muhahahaha. Only joking boss man, I'll crash the AJP instead.

Until next time...

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