Friday 4 March 2011

The new husky's arrive at the shop.

So the new bikes arrived at the shop yesterday. And while they didn't quite fall off the back of a truck - which I guess isn't actually a bad thing - they did arrive by truck, and a big one at that. So 12 brand new bikes ready for the show room floor and ready for the big day on March 26th.

 Nick and Keem hard at work.
 The bwana with his new toys.


As nice as it would be to keep these for ourselves and just go ride everyday, we will actually be selling these fine machines. I'm sure there will be a test ride or 2 carried out though. One must know what one is selling after all. So if you want one, or know somebody who does, then keep the 26th of March free and you can come down and have a look.

Until next time...

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