Tuesday 22 March 2011

The joy of blogging.

* Face palm *

Don't ask me how - because I have absolutely no clue - but I somehow managed to lock myself out of my g mail account. It's not too much of a train smash as I don't use it that often, but I did use that e-mail account to register the new blog. I've filled out the forms (more than once) and sent Google a DNA sample but they still seem to want more information before they let me back in. It seems my password didn't like me anymore and just decided to change without telling me.

So welcome to the newer than new Azcari blog. I have a feeling that now I've started a new blog, Google will send me a password and all this will have been in vain. If I'm looking for a positive here...the only one I can find is that at least this has happened now and not a year into the blog. OK, so guess I better get this blog populated with some content.

Until next time...

The above text was posted on the new blog yesterday. When I came into the office today, Google had sent my DNA for analysis, got the report back and decided to let me back into my account. I'm still none the wiser as to how or why this happened though. So lets just put this in the past and move on.

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